Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Islam's Continuing Assault on America Includes Reaching Disenfranchised Men

by Chuck Wolk

It is of little surprise anymore that the religion of Islam has declared war on world, especially the West. Regardless the reasons they give for their hatred of us, the truth is that their very holy book, the Qur'an, calls for them to wage war against non believers of Allah. As we have seen, regardless the times our leaders have appeased their demands, they continue to attack and infiltrate us from within.

A quick scan of the headlines every day will show how they attack us, but the way they are infiltrating our culture is more insidious than many would realize. Islam is beginning to win more and more Western men over to their ways by giving them something for which they yearn. It is something our culture is taking away from men, who need to feel whole and worthwhile. Islam offers men a sense of direction without taking away their manliness, and it appeals to their basic instinct that the liberalization and feminization of our culture is just wrong.