Friday, September 10, 2021

My Lord, My Jesus, My All (Morning Devotional)

by Chuck Ness

My morning journal entry after reading and meditating on the Word. Today I read through the Gospel of John………………

LORD my GOD, I cannot see my end, so I know You have more tasks for me to accomplish. As I continue to grow through Your grace, You continue to bless me with Your Wisdom and Knowledge. While blessing me with Understanding so that others will benefit through me as I have from them.

Yet so often I feel inadequate and unworthy. I ask myself, am I ready and willing to drink from the same cup my which my Lord, drank from? Am I ready to follow the One who bled it all out so that I can be set free from the bondage of sin? Do I truly know what it means to pick up my cross and climb that same hill to my fleshly demise for the One Who went before me?

LORD Jesus, grant me the strength to take the cup from Your hand and drink from the same vessel You poured Your life from. Bless me with the same strength You gave the Saints who came before me. Bless me so I too can fight the good fight, and face the suffering and death for You as You did for us.

OH my LORD, this cross is so heavy and the road I trod upon is longer and rougher than I ever imagined it would be. My legs want to tarry, because they are so weak, but I know I must not stop. Lord, give me a drink of Your water, so I will thirst no more and have the strength I need to continue on my journey.

What is that I feel? What is it that is pouring down upon me from above? It's not drops of rain water. What is it I feel? Oh Lord, it is the blood You shed so that I may gain it all. The blood that washed away the sentence of death for my sins. Lord my God, my Savior, I praise You for pouring down upon me Your blessings so that I can continue down this road so few have traveled.

Lord, thank you for giving me the strength I need to give away my life to You. I can now see my end, and it's a glorious one. One that You have prepared for me with Your blood on the cross. I praise You my Lord, my Jesus, my All. Amen

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