Friday, September 10, 2021

A Singular Purpose

by Chuck Ness

Man goes through life living for what they can achieve before they die. Along the way we sink into quicksand. As we slowly sink, we are visited by many prophets who have much wisdom for us.

Confucius tells us, “It is evident man should avoid such situations.” And continues on his way leaving the us in the fix we got ourselves in.

Mohammed comes by and says, “Alas, it is the will of Allah.” And he goes on his way leaving us to our misery.

Buddha stops and observes the situation for a moment, then says, “Let your dilemma be an illustration for many.” And then went on his way as we slowly sink further into the quagmire of our dilemma.

Krishna casually walked by telling us, “Better luck next time.” As he continued on his way leaving us to our plight.

Then Jesus comes by and reaches out his hand to us, as He pulls us from the quicksand we willingly walked into.

While others tell us what we must do to reach heaven or utopia, God alone reaches down into this septic tank, we call earth, and pulls us out of the quicksand we willingly walk into everyday. No cute little spiritual sayings need be repeated over and over for clarity, no mountain to climb for spiritual awareness, no bombs to strap onto our children, we only need to accept His free offer.

No… Christianity is the only Religion whose God was humiliated, and tortured, before he died for crimes he never committed. It is our crimes he died for, and so all we need is to look up to Him on that cross. The purpose of Him sending His Son was singular, to save us.

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