Wednesday, May 26, 2021

An Ominous Feeling For The Future, Yet Still In Peace Through Christ

by Chuck Ness

An ominous feeling came over me while I was in my morning quiet time of reading the Scriptures. I pray it’s just a feeling of human despair, but it seems so much more. What has happened around the World in the last few Months is similar to what was happening around the World in the mid 1930's. OH how I feel the Lord has truly turned away from us.

It is without a doubt there are many Christians in America who are not ready for the next chapter of the end. Like in the days after King Josiah of Judah died, so too are the days for America today. While not all the people were evil then, it's a fact that the vast majority did not follow God. So too are the people of America today. The vast majority of Americans do not follow Christ. Even most who call Him Lord do not follow His ways, they are more carnal than spiritual. God wants us 24/7, not just on Sunday morning for a few hours.

He sees our hearts, and He sees we have not turned to Him. The writing is on the wall, and the time has passed for us to stop the inevitable. We put our faith in men who are fallible, and they did what they do best, they accepted the lie over the truth. Time to put our own personal affairs in order. I speak of our spiritual affairs, because it’s going to be a long rough and rocky road from here on out. Without a doubt it is a terrible thing to be in the hands of an angry God, as His wrath will bring down nations and make even the mountains tremble with fear.

His warnings have been given to us for many years by prophet/teachers like George Whitefield, DL Moody, Billy Sunday, CS Lewis, J Vernon McGee, Billy Graham, and Chuck Smith, just to name a few. Yet we ignored them and became worse. Instead of warning our children, we gave them to Satan’s minions to raise, and now they have become worse than the first, and God is not pleased. 

The only reason more people are not lost of the younger generations is because we have fed 50 million of them to Moloch, before they had a chance to even live outside the womb. All the while waging war against poverty by working tirelessly to gain the pleasures the World has to offer. What is our reward? A nation ran by foolish unGodly men who call evil good and good evil. We go about our days turning our heads from evil in the hopes it will not effect us, yet it has crept into our daily lives and we still search for men to save us from our own foolishness, instead of turning to God.

My heart aches for all who claim they know Christ, yet the only passage from the Scriptures they can recite are ones even atheists can repeat. Mind you, Satan knows the Scriptures from, “In the beginning” to “with you all, Amen”. It is not good enough to call yourself a child of God, you must BE a child of God.

Repent and know that Jesus is Lord, or suffer the fate of hearing the dreadful words,

.”I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!" (Matthew 7:23)

I implore you to pick up the Bible and read it every day, and start gathering together with those who gather together to worship God. Do not be like those of the World, be like those who gave their all to be with Him.

Wake up, look around you, what more evidence do you need to know that we are living in the days spoken about by the ancient prophets and Jesus Himself. The Reapers Cycle is at the skin of the chaff, yet so many falsely believe there is a chance that things will change.

I for one believe we are in the days spoken of by the ancients, and as for me and my house we will follow the Lord, and preach the Word in and out of Season. I plan on becoming even more dedicated to advancing GOD’s Word. Please, I implore you all to become as Paul was, forsake the World and pick up your cross. Do not let a day go by that you do not speak His name to strangers, with the reason for your faith in Him.

The time is now, because the time is shorter than you realize.

Lord, I pray all who are yours will rise up and fight the spiritual war we are faced with. I pray that we, Your children, will be as the first Christians were. Men and women who had the faith of a mustard seed, and yet considered the loss of everything to be a small price to pay for all You have to offer LORD.

In Jesus name I pray those who have ears to hear will hear the Words of the Lord Jesus Christ and follow His commandment to go out and spread the good news to all who are lost.


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