Monday, May 31, 2021

A Father Pays The Price For His Children's Crimes

As a gift of his love for his eight-year old son, a father gives him a baseball and a bat. The father tells the boy to be carefull as to not break any windows, nor harm anyone with the toys.

So the boy takes his gift and goes outside to play with the new toy. He grabs the bat with his hand, rests it upon his shoulder and tosses the ball into the air with his other hand. As the ball descends he swings the bat at the ball. To his complete enjoyment, the boy hits the ball squarely and it goes sailing into the air. As the baseball flies across the yard, it enters the neighbors yard and smashes into their living room window.

That's when the neighbor comes outside to confront the boy about his window. The neighbor realizes that an eight-year old boy cannot fix, nor pay for the broken window. Yet he demands justice. So he confronts the boys father, who gave him the destructive instruments that shattered his living room window.

The father apologizes to the neighbor and promises to fix his window. The reason the father must do this, is because the boy has no means of rectify the mistake he made. While the father himself did not break the neighbor’s window, he does accept the responsibility for giving his son the ball and bat that allowed for the possibility that something bad could happen.

In return the boy will have to suffer the consequences of his actions by mowing lawns to pay for the window or even loosing the chance to play with his ball and bat. The boy himself will not pay for, nor fix the broken window, but his father will. So it is with our Father in heaven. We cannot rectify the transgression we committed by our sins, only our Father can.

Like the gift of a bat and ball that was given to the boy by his father, our Father in heaven also gave us a gift. That gift was free will. With the gift of the bat and ball, came a responsibility to follow the rule set down by the boys father.

With our gift of free will, comes a responsibility to follow the rule set down by our Father in Heaven. Like the boy, we too violated the trust of our Father. With free will, there is a potential for us to commit sin. Fact is we all will, and we have, committed many sins.

Now God himself did not commit the sin that enabled the whole of mankind to fall. (Revelations 13:8) Nor did He commit any of the sins since the fall. However, just like the eight-year old has no way to satisfy the neighbor for breaking his window, so too are we unable satisfy our Father in heaven for breaking the window of trust He gave us. So our Father in heaven did what a loving father would do, like the just as the boys father did, He paid for the broken window (our sin).

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,
who,being in the form of God, did not consider it
robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no
reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming
in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance
as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to
the point of death, even the death of the cross.

(Philippians 2:5-8)

God desires for us to choose Him willingly. He is not some kind of a cosmic rapist that would force His love upon us. However, if we choose not to love God, than an emptiness is created in our hearts, and sin or evil will fill that gap. Evil is a natural probability when free will is allowed to exist in one's nature. Like Lucifer, we were given free will to make that decision possible.

Thus evil is the sbsence of God's love, and only the receiver can deny that love. John tells us that,

"He who does not love does not know God, for God is love."
(1 John 4:8)

"We love Him because He first loved us. "
(1 John 4:19)

That being said, we also must conclude that a perfect and responsible God must take responsibility for the actions of His creations. So even though God did not, and cannot sin. He paid the price for it like a truly loving Father would, and that was by becoming the perfect and eternal sacrifice for the sins we committed.

"For God so loved the world that He

His only begotten Son, that

whoever believes in Him should not

perish but have everlasting life"

(John 3:16)

Yet it goes even deeper than that, because as Paul tell us,

"For He made Him who knew no sin to
be sin for us, that we might become

the righteousness of God in Him."

(2 Corinthians 5:21)

Think about that. The innocent One was punished voluntarily as if guilty. So that the guilty one might be gratuitously rewarded innocence. Thus, we are justified by our Creator through His Son's substitutionary atoning sacrifice. (Justified, “Just as if we did not sin”). The broken window has been paid for Praise God, because we could never pay the price for the sins we committed.

I pray those who have ears to hear will hear His voice and call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen


  1. Good Morning Mr Ness
    from the land of fruits an nuts
    The toys of this world and the way our children are taught to play with them is so important , great conversation piece is the Game played with glove bat ball on a field were lines are clearly drawn an their is Umpires, coach’s, spectors,and in my humble
    opinion it needs PLAYERS
    I like to tell you a simple fun question to ask anyone who truly understands the GAME of Ball
    How Do You Win The Game
    Liberals Almost always who say They know the Game wil say Pitching an Defence
    Americans who Know the game say You Have to SCORE More Runs than the other Team
    I taught the game to my two Girls , Coached the game to Girls and played the game
    The Game of Ball Is The Only Game That teachs the Player
    Home , this is for so many who play at the Game Of Life where they should find
    Mr Ness America’s Pastime is everything that is what Makes
    The Republic of The United States
    Rules ,lines , team play , power, weakness, and the great Umpire called GOD
    As for the broken window and whom is responsible
    Americans everywhere are looking at The Glass being broken at every level
    not one concept of Playing within the Lines fairly can be seen
    HARD BALL is being applied by a TEAM who has as it’s coach
    the oldest form of rules known to MANKIND
    a theory called WIN AT ALL COST aka WAAC
    He has been up to bat for way to long simple because his offenses against
    Humanity now Require the ULTIMATE UMPIRE to declare that it cheating requires
    what is also found in the kids game of ball SUDDEN DEATH

  2. Good point Michael.

    Your comment reminded me of a story I read once about a speech at the ABCA’s convention by a retired baseball Coach named,John Scolinos. It.s my new post, Give it a read and you will understand how your comment reminded me of it.


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I welcome differing opinions, I do believe in free speech, just not vulgar cuss laden comments written for the only purpose of offending people in general.

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