Monday, April 5, 2021

The Case Against COVID Vaccines

by Chuck Ness

After looking into ALL the numbers offered by the official CDC website on COVID, I became even more convinced that we are being scammed over something that is no worse than a common flu. The graph above is what I put together for a quick view at the truth. As you look over the numbers I present, you must also look back at the way this so-called pandemic has been blown out of proportion.

To start with, all flus are dangerous. For those at risk. Which are the most vulnerable of our population. However, for 99% of Americans, a flu is nothing more than an inconvenience to our week. We get sick, we stay home, and we do all we can to get back to doing what we want. Simple. Something we do every Winter.

Mind you, I am not suggesting people have not died from COVID, because they have. Just like they do every flu season. The difference is we don't normally shut down the country and lock every one up at home so that more people can get sick. We go about our lives, while some get it, and some don't. Some also get very sick, and yes some even die. Happens every year, but we usually allow heard immunity to do what God created it to do. Unfortunately, in todays World, men think they are smarter than GOD.

What truly made COVID worse, was the way we changed our lives so that we guaranteed more people would get sick. How? By forcing everyone in doors. See, the dirty little secret about the flu is that it's not really an illness that only attacks people in the Winter. NO. It actually lingers all year long. Yes, I know COVID was created to be different, but it still acts like a flu, with a nasty twist.

However, the reason the flu is worse in the Winter is because we close the doors and Windows to keep the heat in, but does not allow for the air to exchange as well. By doing so we make it easier for others to get sick, because we are usually closer together for longer periods of time. CDC even tells us that it takes awhile for an infected person to infect another. Well, well. What did they do? They forced us to be locked up together for a long period of time so that they could be sure those infected would be around us long enough to infect more people. Talk about a sure fire way to spread it.

Now In the Summer, the doors are open, the Windows are open, less people spend less time at home cooped up together. Thus it spreads less. A flu, even COVID-19 is like any airborne illness, and like other illnesses passed by bodily fluids. If your sick and want to get others sick, just go to a Christmas office party and start sneezing on people. Or drink from the same cup as others, and start sticking your hands into the chips. Then go home and laugh that you won't be the only one calling in sick on Monday morning.

What did your Mom do, and probably many of you probably did the same thing with your kids, when chicken pox made the rounds? You toss all the kids into the same room to get it over with. That's what they did with this flu, they put us all in a room to help as many people get it as possible. To make sure the reported number of cases were high, they then sent sick people to the nursing homes. Like kids in a day care center spreading chicken pox. These sick bastards spread the Kungflu around to drive the numbers up. Just look at the numbers minus the elderly, then when you remove the nursing home elderly from the overall elderly deaths their even numbers drop drastically.

Knowing that the death rate of those who get COVID is so high in nursing homes, I would admit that vaccinating nursing home residents makes sence, but not for the elderly living outside the nursing homes. After all, like children in a day care center, the nursing homes residents are locked down, so illnesses like flus can wreck devstation on them. However, I still do not recomemnd the vaccine for anyone else. However, it is their choice, not the governments choice. If we are wise we can save lives, but wisdom has never been synonimous with political desires, and those imn power today clearly have no wisdom. They are, thje children of their father, the devil.

Which brings me to the way these foolish politicians have half the country shaking in fear. Thus almost half the population thinks that vaccine passports are a great idea. Something that has led many corporate CEO's to consider requiring their shoppers to prove they have the vaccine. OH, and you can bet they will still require masks also, because this is about control, not about health. Otherwise they would require us to also wear gloves like they do food workers.  This is why this whole farce has moved into the territory of prophetic Scriptures, where one cannot buy or sell without the mark of the Beast.

So this makes me I question men like Franklin Graham and Robert Jeffress, and other well known pastors who push vaccines. OH, they say it should be our choice, yet Franklin used Scripture to back up the need for vaccines. Albeit, I disagree with his argument. So what are they worried about, you ask. Well, my guess is their international missionary ministries. After all, Graham has his Worldwide ministry, "Samaritan's Purse", and Jeffress has a mega church that probably probably has a huge foreign missionary ministry going himself. Which leads me to ask, are they willing to sell out the Church to the Beast for their own ministries? Now if they do, I do not calim they do so wittingly, but rather unkowingly, if they do at all.

Now I'm not one to think we are that close to Christ returning though, so I don't see the mark of the Beast in this vaccine passport. I could be wrong, and if so, then this does fit the description. However, if this isn't the mark, then there is only one thing can happen if our wimpy Republican Senators sell us out to the Democrats and vaccine passports become law. That is Civil War, because there is no way over 200 million Americans are going to allow the government to fill their body full of a drug no one has a clue what the effects will be down the road.

Lord, forgive us, because we truly have brought this upon our selves. For too long we have traded our faith in God for faith in a government, and every society in history that has done that was soon eliminated from the equation.

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