Monday, March 22, 2021

Panda Attacks Man & Wrecks Car

by Chuck Ness

Time for a little humor and fun. Check out these crazy Panda Bears.

Everyone thinks Pandas are such cute and cuddly looking animals. Easy for them to say though. I doubt they have ever been attacked by one? Well the guy in this video learned that you better not get too close to them. Especially if you got something they want.

As I watched this and some other videos on Pandas, I was struck how China takes such good care of their Pandas? After all, what China gives the Pandas is what Democrats in America are promising for all the people. Half of us will play all day, and the other half will take care of all their needs. Well, they better hope they don't run out of bamboo, or there's going to be a panda revolt.

Something interesting I learned while putting this post together. Did you know that there is a debate that has been going on for over a century as to whether or not the giant Pandas should have a family of their own in the vast system of scientific classification that has a label for just about every animal in the world. Some scientists believe Pandas are not bears, but should be classified with the raccoon family.

Giant pandas, according Stephen J. O'Brien, a research associate at the zoo, have been grouped with bears since their discovery by the Western world in the 1860s.

However, they have un-bearlike characteristics. Giant pandas are vegetarian, consuming mostly bamboo. Their forequarters are huge, rear quarters relatively small. In bears, although some have huge forequarters, rears are generally not as reduced.

'Finally, the giant panda does not behave like a bear,' O'Brien and colleagues wrote in the scientific journal Nature. 'Most bears hibernate, the giant panda does not; bears roar, whereas the giant panda bleats.'

The raccoon faction has argued that because of its skull and tooth structure, markings and other characteristics, the giant panda belongs in the same family from which raccoons and the lesser or red panda, which really does look like a raccoon, diverged millions of years ago.

To put the matter to rest, the National Zoo researchers called on the powers of genetic technology. They took some cell samples from a raccoon, a giant panda, a lesser panda and a trio of Bruins: one American brown bear, a spectacled bear and a Malayan sun bear.

After running the samples through three molecular tests that would reveal gene structure, they found the genetic similarities between bears and giant pandas far exceeded the number and extent of differences. (UPI)

10 facts about Panda Bears Too May Not Have Known
  1. Giant pandas (often referred to as simply “pandas”) are black and white bears. In the wild, they are found in thick bamboo forests, high up in the mountains of central China – you can check out our cool facts about China, here!
  2. These magnificent mammals are omnivores. But whilst pandas will occasionally eat small animals and fish, bamboo counts for 99 percent of their diet. Like Vegetarian humans, who only eat vegetables and are weak minded individuals waiting for the day when Muslims will eliminate them and their counterpart the pigs. (Animal Farm reference)
  3. Pandas are BIG eaters – every day they fill their tummies for up to 12 hours, shifting up to 12 kilograms of bamboo. Many humans are similar, they keep eating and become obese lazy welfare cases.
  4. The giant panda’s scientific name is Ailuropoda melanoleuca, which means “black and white cat-foot”.
  5. Giant pandas grow to between 1.2m and 1.5m, and weigh between 75kg and 135kg. Scientists aren’t sure how long pandas live in the wild, but in captivity they live to be around 30 years old. 
  6. Baby pandas are born pink and measure about 15cm – that’s about the size of a pencil! They are also born blind and only open their eyes six to eight weeks after birth. Humans different, they come in various colors, and become blind after their mothers send them off to public indoctrination centers called schools. 
  7. It’s thought that these magnificent mammals are solitary animals, with males and females only coming together briefly to mate. Recent research, however, suggests that giant pandas occasionally meet outside of breeding season, and communicate with each other through scent marks and calls. Unlike humans, who wear masks while hiding behind their phone and computer monitors instead of mixing with other humans. 
  8. Family time! Female pandas give birth to one or two cubs every two years. Cubs stay with their mothers for 18 months before venturing off on their own! Unlike most human mothers, who abort a baby every two years, and then have one or two just to hand them over to the Democrats to indoctrinate for 18 years. 
  9. Unlike most other bears, pandas do not hibernate. When winter approaches, they head lower down their mountain homes to warmer temperatures, where they continue to chomp away on bamboo. Pandas are like Democrats, they never hibernate. Unlike Democrats, Republicans hibernate for 4 for four, then they comet for elections, before they hibernate again. 
  10. Sadly, these beautiful bears are endangered, and it’s estimated that only around 1,000 remain in the wild. That’s why they are on the endangered pieces list.You know, like conservatives and heterosexuals in Hollywood.

Panda Babies 9 days old

Ice cake for it's 1st birthday

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