Thursday, February 4, 2010

Catalunia Catholic Boy's Choir Sing The 'Meow" Song

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Daniel said...

Absolutely BRILLIANT performance.
Love it!

chas said...

I grew up in New Orleans La, singing since I was in Kindergarten, at St. Francis of Asissi Catholic Grammar school, taught by the Sisters of Christian Charity. I loved all the music, singing in school and in the church by same name next to the school where we sang the High Mass, Funeral Masses, etc. Did this all thru til 8th grade. Then on to DeLaSalle High school, taught by the Christian Brothers other wise known as the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Each Brother had a chosen religious name with FSC attached, which are the first 3 letters of the Latin name for the group: Fratrum Scholarum Chritianarum. Then on to the College of Santa Fe in New Mexico. All these years and afterwards I sang in choirs in San Antonio, Hawaii, etc. This choir, and specifically the 2 boys who sang "Meow:" are the BEST, ESQUISITE, BEAUTIFUL, MAGNIFICENT, INSPIRING, ETC. for their QUALITY and the music that was on the piano. Abundant Gratitude to all involved in LOVE,

nardz said...

cool! i really love it! i want to see more!,,, :D

pharmacy said...

I really like this site, it's so important to know more about this topic, keep it up and of course every time I have time I'll love to check out again

Anonymous said...

what are their names and are they on facebook

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