Sunday, January 9, 2022

The Fallen Perspective of Man Compared To God

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Chuck Ness

As someone who has benefited from Mark Atterson's Biblical knowledge, I felt it an honor to write a review on my friends book. He spent some years as a teen in the Jehovah Witness church, but found Christ and left the cult many years ago. Mark's understanding of the way cults begin and how they misinterpret Scripture to Satan's benefit, proves he has the credentials needed to recognize how the perspective of fallen man throughout history have twisted the truth of God's Word.

From Genesis to Revelation Mark offers some examples of how man looks at things from our own human fleshly perspective when making decisions. Instead of trusting upon the Lord God with all our heart, mind, and soul, we often times lean upon our own understanding. When men refuse to go to GOD for understanding, the results can often times lead to the creation of cults. Through the years these errors of human understanding have led to billions of souls now spending an eternal existence were the worm never turns and the fire is never quenched.

One example the author uses is the account of Israel's last Judge, the prophet Samuel, when he was sent to anoint a new King. Samuel thought for sure GOD would chose Jesse's older son, but GOD told him to not look at the outward appearance, for man looks through the eyes while GOD looks for the heart. Seven of Jesse's sons are rejected by GOD. Then when the youngest son, a small shepherd boy came in from the field, GOD chose him as the one to replace King Saul. Man's perspective vs GOD's perspective are vastly different.

Like so many human's, “God's own Prophet could not see beyond the limits of the fallen, fleshly, outer barrier.” A man who looked like Saul was what Samuel expected GOD to chose. A man who was handsome and in his prime of life. A man who stood head and foot above all others, yet GOD chose a boy. The man, Saul, had a flawed heart where as the boy, David, had a heart for GOD.

Continuing on with the way fallen man's perspective is out of wack with GOD's perspective, Mark offers many original Koine Greek and Hebrew words that offer various choices of ways to understand things. There are many translations of Bibles we can chose from, and while some are down right heretical, not all are. Thus Mark offers different words allowed to describe a situation of thought in the Scriptures that helps the reader better understand the perspective of GOD verses fallen man's perspective.

A truly eye opening portion of Mark's book, is in a later section titled, “Misinterpreting Scripture and the Fallen Human Perspective”. In this portion the reader is educated on how fallen man's perspective has wrecked havoc upon whole sections of societies the World over. Using the account of Noah getting drunk, Mark does an excellent hermeneutical job of interpreting how fallen man's perspective is used to twist Scripture to justify slavery due to a curse from God. Mark points out, “The truth is the truth no matter how we try to cover it and hide it.”

For many years, fallen man has used the argument that GOD cursed Canaan to not only to be a servant to his brothers, but to also be marked with darkened skin. Thus, fallen man's perspective is that the black man was destined to become a slave to his brothers. Why? Because the mark of Cain is supposed to be the dark color of his skin. This is where Mark's understanding of ancient Hebrew helps the reader understand what fallen man's perspective has wrought upon a whole class of humans. Follow closely and see how Mark proves that Cain's curse has everything to do with the internal sin blinding a person from the life of Christ, not the cursing a race to have a certain tone of their skin.

I must say, this was one of the easiest books I have read in sometime. Once I started, I found myself being forced to put it down, lest I would not get things done I needed to. I suggest this book should be a must for every library, if for no other reason than to use as a quick reference on some more difficult passages of the Bible. The Hebrew and Koine Greek translations for some of the words in question are a plus for a theologian looking for references. Do yourself a favor and grab a copy to gain some wisdom from a man who has spent his life delving into the deeper thoughts of GOD's Word.

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