Sunday, December 12, 2021

Bangladesh Calvary Christian Ministry Video

by Chuck Ness

I am currently in partnership with Billo Das of Jessore Bangladesh in a foreign ministry. I met Billo earlier this year when he contacted me after reading my commentaries I post to my fb group, and we started chatting. What struck me about Billo, was he never asked for money for food or clothing for the children, he asked if I could help teach him good Biblical doctrine, snd help him become a good teacher.

So I began sending him commentaries I wrote and outlines for Bible studies. He would use the outlines to study and then teach children with them. As time went on he told me of his need for Bibles, but at the time I was still hesitant. Then one day I took a leap of faith and sent him money so he could purchase a printer, ink , and some paper. With the printer, he began printing up the outlines which I started translating into Bangali for him share with his students as he taught.

When I met him he had a little over 300 students, mostly children and teens. In a few Months he had grown the ministry to well over 1000, and he even gained some student volunteers to help with the ministry. With my outlines and lessons, Billo would teach his students volunteers, who in turn taught children in their cities. All the students and teachers are taught off the same lessons I prepare in both English and in Bangali. Billo's ministry covers an area of about 1200 square miles.

Eventually I was able to purchase Bibles. We first distributed them to the volunteer student teachers for them to have and teach with, and then I was able to purchase enough for Billo to distribute them to students in other cities and districts of Bangladesh. Soon the number of students with Bibles increased, as did the number of children, teenagers, and young adults. There were even older adults who wanted to learn about this religion called Christianity. By this past September Billo he had grown the ministry to over 1600 students in 20 different cities and 5 districts in South Western Bangladesh.

Billo and I keep in constant contact via fb messenger, and we also talk on the phone. A day does not go by when we do niot talk on the phone or chat on messenger about the ministry. He has increased his volunteer student teachers to 50 and many more adults are beginning to attend his studies and giving their lives to Jesus, and getting baptized. Much of this I have on video and pictures Billo is always sending me.

Now as of this letter we have over 3000 students, and almost 500 adults who are all being taught by Billo off the outlines I work up and translate into Bangali. The ministry has grown beyond my ability to supply all their needs. We do find donors from time to time, but they are few and far between, as of today 80% of the finances come from me, and I am not able to keep up with the growth, so I need partners willing to help finance us.

God is blessing this ministry, and at this pace we could have over 10,000 students of all ages who were once Hindu or Muslim who are desiring to own a Bible to get closer to Christ. My goal is to supply Bibles and equipment to teach about Jesus so that we can one day change Bangladesh from a predominantly Muslim Hinu country, to a Christian society. Least of all, the next generation will be evangelizing their fellow countrymen.

This is why I am reaching out to pastors in this area to see if I could have a sit down and explain in person my ministry, and see if I can convince anyone to step out in faith to help us in our ministry. 

As for me, I am a conservative Evangelical who believes the Bible is the inerrent word of God, and every book is like love letters from HIM to us. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, and through the Holy Spirit we are led to follow Christ. The Great Commision is in full force in this ministry, and to keep it going I need partners. So If you desire to learn more about my teachings and are interested in possibly helping my ministry, you can learn more at my website. I also have a fb group that you can check out. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to have a metting. As I said, I have pictures and videos of the ministry and our accomplishments.

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web site --------------- (The Reason For My Faith)
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