Friday, November 26, 2021

Wikipedia May Remove Information About Communist Attrocities

by Chuck Ness

This is just a continuation of leftists trying their best the remove the evidence of what their policies lead to. Along with educating children of the future to believe that Communism is the best solution to all of makind's problems. Something the elitist mindset has been trying to accomplish for hundreds of years. They dream of the time when mankind will again need them to rule so they can be the leaders of a new type of feudalism. Ever since the black death freed people from being owned by the land, elitists have been doing all they can to regain control of us, and for them Communism is the perfect tool. 

Make no mistake, the fall of feudalism led to 700 years of freedom for billions of people the World over. This led to the growth of the great middle class, which in reality gives us control. Yet, they have been trying to wrest back control from us since the 15th century.  Communism is the best tool they have found to keep us under control. Now they are on the verge of destroying the middle class, and thus our power,  with a fake pandemic. Just as the left wants to squash the truth about history by deleting their p[age on the horrors of Communism, the left also wants to squash the truth about China and creating the virus.

All you have to know is that China needs to keep one billion people working so they do not realize they have no freedom. In doping so, they will remove anyone unable to work. It's a proven fact, that 80% of all modern day viruses can be directly traced back to China's laboratories. It the Chicom's way to eliminate the elderly and the weak. After all, in a Communist society, you are only good to the state, IF, you are able to work. Once you are too old, or sick, or feeble, you are expendable. Their ability to create viruses, along with their use of abortion is how they keep control of a billion people.

Considering the current culture that is sweeping throughout the World, I am not surprised that Wikipedia is considering the deletion of the a page on their site that documents the genocide of humans by Communist Regimes. Personally, I believe the best education one could get about the history of Communism and the repeated incidents of genocide that has taken place under the banner of Communism is, The Black Book of Communism. Americans are so historically ignorant about our own past that most truly believe that the Indians saved the pilgrims on the that first Thanksgiving. Of course they would be ignorant of the past, they are not being taught the truth.

This is why I highly recommend parents get ahold of this book so they can teach them the truth of how Communist governments have committed enumerable atrocities against their own citizens. In their 1997 book, Stéphane Courtois, Andrzej Paczkowski, Nicolas Werth, and several other European academics documented a history of political repression by Communist states, including genocides, extrajudicial executions, deportations, and killing populations in labor camps and artificially created famines. The first major section of the book is in and of it's own a damning indictment that could be used any international court to bring the perpetrators of geonicide to jusrtice for their criomes. The book brings to light the repression and evil wroaght upon humans ther World over.

In the video below a woman's gives her account of what she experienced at the hands of the Soviet Communists, after they took control of East Germany. Many thought Stalin and the Communists would be a relief from Hitler and his NAZIs, but they were sadly mistaken. In many ways the Communists were worse than Hitler's NAZI's, if that is even possible. The concentration camps did not close under Stalin, instead they flourished. Tens of millions over the next 43 years would learn that Communisms was actually worse than Fascism.

We need to start educating our children, before they make the same mistake billions of humans have made in the last 120. In the video below is a short interview of a woman who did not understand the evils of communism. She and millions like her though that Stalin and the Soviet Union would be an improvement over Hitlers and his NAZI rule. Sadly, hundreds of millions of humans all over Eastern Europe would learn the hard way, Stalin made Hitler look like an out of control bully on a playground.

It has been said that those who forget the past will inevitably repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Today, we need parents to educate their own children on the facts, because the school teachers are not. Instead, they are indoctrination the children with lies and propoganda. Inevitably mankind will again suffer from the same mistakes past generations suffered from. Only this time it will happen to Americans, because parents are to busy collecting their stuff, looking at their phones, and keeping up with the neighbors so they are clueless of what their children are learning. 

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