Monday, November 22, 2021

To Gain The World

For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?
Mark 8:36

by Chuck Ness

I brought my tomato plants inside the house about a Month ago to allow the tomatoes that were still on the plants to mature instead of letting the plants die in the cold. A Month later one plant has mostly died, but there is still one the last tomato that is almost ready to harvest. As you can see, the other plant is still hanging in there and even has some new tomatoes growing.

Now while the plants themselves are wilting away with every day that passes by, you will notice how the plants send all there energy to the tomatoes so their seeds could survive, even though that ensures the plant itself would die sooner. 

Sadly, humans are not so wise. Unlike plants and animals, we humans destroy our seeds so that we, not our children, will survive. Instead of ensuring the propagation of our kind, humans will often times sacrifice our future generations so that we can have more for ourselves.

After all it costs money and time to raise a child, and in doing so we must sacrifice things we would otherwise enjoy. This is why we humans will often times sacrifice our children to the god of self, so that we can enjoy the benefits a care free life might offer us. Benefits we would otherwise not enjoy if we are encumbered with the responsibility of a child.

Not so for plants and animals though. They will give all they have so their offspring will have a chance at life. Regardless of how meager that existence may be. We claim to be so much more advanced than past societies. Yet today when the ship is going down, we yell, “Men and women first." Meanwhile we leave our children on the sinking boat, so we that we can continue enjoying the fruits of our labor.

We have rejected our God, and with that we have told Him that we prefer what the World has to offer instead of what He offers. With that rejection comes the danger of sacrificing our chance at eternal life. All so we can enjoy life in this World without responsibilities. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?

However there is good news for us, if we come to Jesus. Yes, even if you chose the World over your progeny, you can still gain forgiveness through the blood of Christ. Just go to Him and ask Him to be your Lord and Savior, and the blood He shed on the cross will cleanse you of all sin. Jesus paid the price of all our sins, but only if we accept His offer.  So accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and be assured that your soul will live on eternally in His presence.

I pray those who have ears to hear will hear His voice and call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

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