Thursday, November 4, 2021

Russian Roulette Joke, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

I originally shared this back in March of 2010, but have since learned more about the situation. So I decided to update the information and repost it. This is a home video of an incident that took place in December of 2009 in Astrakhan, which is in Southern Russia. It starts with a 38-year-old Chechen man who decided to pull a trick at a wedding where he was a guest. He claimed he had an unloaded gun and was going to act like he was playing Russian Roulette. So he puts a gun to his head, when another man with a microphone attempts to stop him.

We are not sure what he told the man with the mike, but whatever he told him alleviated the guys worry and allowed the man to do what he wanted to do. Maybe he told him the gun was unloaded, or just a blank. Either way the man with the microphone allowed him to proceed. Meanwhile, amongst the the group of men standing around is a younger man taking the whole scene in without realizing what is about to happen.  So the Chechen puts the gun to his head and pulls the trigger………. Click………. it does not fire. He then cocks the gun to give someone else a chance at the game.

Now this is the moment where someone has a free will choice to be wise, or foolish. See, like Adam, every human has been given the right to freely choose between right and wrong, wise or unwise. So we can freely decide what want to do, where we want to go, and who we wish to hang out with. Now, while Adam did sin, he was not created with a will to sin. Yet, because he chose with his own free will to eat the forbidden fruit, all men have been handed down to them, from Adam, the will and desire to sin. Today, humans have a 50% chance they will choose unwisely. OH, God could have made us perfect without the ability to sin, but then we would be nothing more than Chatty Cathy dolls repeating and doing whatever was programmed into us. Is that the kind of life you would wish to live?

Well in this incident, there is a young man would have been better if he did not have a free will choice. See, In this video we have many people who are drinking intoxicating beverages of their own free will. Remember, there are consequences for our chioces in life. Yet we can freely chose what we desire to do. So now we have one man who unwisely chose to play a bad joke at a wedding reception. While another man unwisely falls for it. The young man has a 50/50 chance of coming away unharmed. Ultimately it will be his free will choice.

So after the jokster plays his trick, the younger man steps up to prove his manliness by taking the gun from the jokster's hand. Believing this is all a joke and, that the gun is unloaded. He then places the muzzle of the gun against his head and pulls the trigger. The gun goes off, and the guy drops like a sack of potatoes........................

There is no blood splatter, so it does not look like there was a live round in the chamber, but there could have been a blank cartridge in it like starting postols do. However, most people who never use guns are clueless as to the fact that you can kill yourself with a blank starter pistol that has only dummy rounds. Especially if you put it against your head. The percussion of the gunpowder is powerful enough to blast a hole into your head and kill you, or at least do major damage.

I stated earlier that we all have a 50% chance of choosing what is right and what is wrong in this fallen world. However, that’s only if you put your faith in the World. If your faith is in the One who died for your salvation and you always go to HIM when you make important, and even some non important decisions, then you can be assured that your choices can be 100% correct all the time.

The two men in this video both trusted in their own understanding instead of the Lords. It is unwise to drink so much your faculties are not clear. It is unwise to play pranks with a gun. It is unwise to put even an unloaded gun to you head and pull the trigger. Sadly, the young man chose unwisely. When we put our faith in God, and follow His precepts correctly, then we will never allow ourselves to be in a position to chose unwisely as the young man in this video did.

As an aside, I have had my YouTube channel since early 2010, but in the last two years Google has removed 90% of the videos I had posted. I am shocked they have not removed this one, But they still could. I still have some of them on my hard drive, but there are some I am really upset that are lost forever. Gotta love the cancel culture huh? NOT!

This video has been posted to my (OneVike YouTube) account since March of 2010. Below is a comment from about 4 years ago by, a Mike Baxter, which may help shed some light on the situation. His take is as good as any I have read, so I'll let you decide what you want to believe about the incident. Yet know this, the news media reports that is was not a joke, the man lived, but he is brain damaged for life.

(Mike Baxter)

It's not fake ... what happened was, the firearm is a "less than lethal" pistol that shoots 'rubber bullets' and does not need to be registered (many pistol shootings and road rage you see on Russian videos is with this type firearms) .. BUT at closer range it could kill.

The first guy does rack the slide chambering a round (it's easy to see in slow motion) BUT he does not pull the trigger if you look closely its easy to see in fact, the trigger moves FORWARD slightly and he is not touching the trigger ... what he did was use the de-cocking lever to decock the pistol, and it makes a loud click.

Then he racks it again ejecting a live round, (in better resolution videos you can see the round falling to the ground in contrast to someone's black jacket) and then he passes the pistol to the second guy who assumes its empty and shoots himself, he did not die but survived with some brain damage after surgery.

The first guy was changed with mischief and reportedly said he thought the gun was empty, but if so, why did he try to stop the guy at the last second?? ... very weird (suspicious) and unsafe to say the least, reports indicate everyone involved was drunk.

Warning Extremely disturbing.

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