Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Giving Comes With A Price

by Chima Anaele Sylvanus

Sometimes the beauty of our faith is not seen in our preaching, anointing, noise making, programs, nor in our zealousness but rather in our simple act of kindness. Just as David's heart was revealed in the kindness he showed Johnathan's  grandson, Mephibosheth. (2Samuel Ch 9)

For many, ministry is just tool they use to acquire earthly treasures, yet for the Apostle it was the other way round. Their labor was more intense and harder than other men so as to be a blessing to the weak and the poor saints. They did not mind doing anything for the glory of The Gospel Of Jesus Christ.

Sadly. for or some, giving is only a showmanship so others can see how wonderful they are, while others give only as much as they can so they they themselves can reap more benefits. Their deceptive giving is nothing more than a ponzi scheme mindset.

Dear friends, God judges the secret heart of men, holiness is much deeper than the outward appearance you see, rather it goes deep towards our motives, intentions and purpose behind what we do and why we do them. True giving is not in the arithmetic or multiplication of our giving but in its attitude.

The only way you can be a blessing to others is not by praying harder, waiting on God more or sleeping more, but by working harder just as the Apostles did in their own lives and ministries. God did not give you a talent for you to bury it. He gave it to you to give away so that others can be blessed.  

The beauty of our Christian faith can be seen on how we support, encourage and give to others. Whether it be our time, wealth, substance, faith, heart, strength, gift, talent, or love, our true gifts will not be seen in how others speak of us, but rather in the understanding that "It is more blessed to give than to receive". (Act 20:35)

The goal of all our hard work is not to be praised, or famous but to be a giver just as Jesus taught us and practiced by his life. What have you given for the cause of Christ? Please understand, that true giving from the heart must cost you something, because all giving comes with a price. Remember, Jesus gave all He had, so that we could have everything He offers.

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