Saturday, November 6, 2021


The Ancient Church of Antioch is in Damascus Syria. It was on the
road to Antioch where Saul of Tarsus met Christ and was converted.
It's also where the followers of Christ were first called Christians.

by Adam Lustig

”Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, and when he found him, he brought
him to Antioch. So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught
great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch."

Acts 11:25-26

Have you ever thought what the world would be like without Christianity impacting it? Ask a secular person who has heard propaganda and misinformation about Christianity and they will tell you everything they have heard minus the the truth of scripture. Many of us get upset the way Christianity has been attacked by the/a lie, forgetting that many of us were there at one time.

There are couched comments and statements like:
…Oh those Christians think they are better than anyone else.
…Oh those Christians are always trying to tell me about Jesus.
…Oh those Christians need to leave their beliefs at church and not take them everywhere they go.
…And on and on they go

In C. S. Lewis’s book, "Mere Christianity", he paints a picture of Christianity that defines it to a “t” Christianity is giving up ones “self” as a sovereign entity, and to experience Christ living in them (you and me).

“To become new men means losing what we now call
‘ourselves.’ Out of ourselves, into Christ, we must go."

Since the cross, the enemy has worked overtime to pervert Christianity and unfortunately we as Christians have at times put our own spin on Christianity which has resulted in the cults teaching a perverted gospel. When I spin Christianity it never is presented as God wants it presented. You and I can site many examples of skewing Christianity to the point where unbelievers stay away from church and believers leave never to return.

Jesus told us, his bride, to occupy till he returns. Occupying does not mean that I should be stagnant where I am, but to represent Christianity as salt where people become thirsty for our Heavenly Father. Although we are not perfect, but forgiven, if we reflect Christ daily in our life, than the Holy Spirit can convey to people that Christianity is not what they heard but what they see.

Thanks for Listening

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