Sunday, September 12, 2021

I Failed As A Watchman

by Chuck Ness

An acquaintance whom I worked with on a few jobs around the valley died from COVID complications this past week. He had respiratory problems already, and he was in his late 60s. My heart is broken, because I was a bad watchman. He knew I am a Christian, but I never pushed the issue of his faith to know where he was.

True, only God knows our hearts, and until we get to heaven none of us truly know where another persons heart is. Yet, I never heard him speak of Jesus, and he never joined in a conversation whenever I would bring up my faith or beliefs.

On his fb page he has never mentioned the name of a Jesus, nor even eluded to his faith in any way. I do know he spent much free time fishing and traveling places to fish, and he enjoyed drinking socially but was not one to over indulge.

The only clue I have is from time to time he would click the like button on one of my short comments about my faith, but they were the ones that were usually politically based upon the evil anti Godlyness of country as of late. Reading the comments on his fb profile of family and friends who are now in sorrow, I cannot honestly say they do not inspire me to believe he knew Christ.

He knew I was a Christian, as every person who knows me, even if it is just for a short time, knows where my loyalty stands. I am after all very vocal about my passion for Christ. Plus, many know I have a blog and write Christian commentaries while supporting missionaries around the World.

Now I do not share that to brag as if I am better than him and others, but more so those reading this will understand my true heartfelt sadness for the gentleman who died. For I have no clue where he is today, and while he could be with Jesus as I write this, he could also be gnashing his teeth where the fire is never quenched and the worm never dies.

See, I must sadly admit, if Christianity was illegal, and I were a witness who was called upon the stand to testify before a jury, I could not say he was, because I cannot read hearts.

As I said only God truly knows if we are saved, but as we read in James 2:14-26, faith without works is dead. We as brothers and sisters know each other, because we see each others fruits. A fig tree dies not produce grapes, and a grapevine does not produce figs. Thus we know the plant by the fruit it bears.

Each Christian knows another Christian more by their fruit than by their tongue. Oh we can be a loud forceful outspoken Christian and not do anything, but then if we are so outspoken about our faith, then that outspokenness can be a works in that we profess and share our faith. Yet there are many heretical teachers who are very vocal and outspoken, yet the they teach is wrong and leads others to hell not heaven.

However, have you ever met a Christian who never ever spoke the name of Jesus, or never shared what they believe? Have you met a Christian who never walked into the place of worship with others. How many Christians do you know spend more time indulging their carnal delights than their spiritual delights?

Brothers, sisters, is there enough evidence that casual acquaintances could testify of your faith? If Christianity was illegal, could unbelievers convict you of the crime of following Christ? Or would a secular jury acquit you of illegally following the religion of Christianity, because there was not enough evidence to convict you?

When we talk about works vs faith, know this, one day we will not have a jury, only God as the ultimate Judge. Ask yourself, what will you hear from the only Lawyer who can help you when the time comes?

Well done good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of you Lord?


Be gone from me you wicked servant for I know you not?

I pray my acquaintance had a silent love for Christ in his heart and it was enough to get him to the presence of our Lord, but I would be telling a lie if I said I knew if he did or if he didn’t. His fruit was as absent as the fig tree Jesus condemned.

Finally, I will end this by admitting I failed as a child of Christ, because I never really inquired as to what he believed, and so I may have failed Christ by being the last one HE sent to share the a gospel with him, so his soul would be convicted by the Word. If so, then I was a terrible watchman, and my sleeping on the job may have cost a man his soul. 

Lord forgive me, for I am a terrible disobedient child, and my heart aches right now.

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