Friday, July 9, 2021

It's Ok To Lose Your Head For Christ

by Chuick Ness

Many Christians today are unwilling to face persecution for the truth. They want a simple easy life with no confrontations, and thus no condemnation. This is why so many Christians avoid situations that could cause strife. Well, we can be thankful that Jesus never avoided confrontations. In fact he took the problem of sin straight to the cross.  It's easy to ignore confrontation by not doing what we are called to do. Paul spent the last 20 years of his life confronting the problem of sin in the World by sharing how Christ died for our sins. In the end, he lost his head because he refused to back down.

Consider the many Israelites captured by the enemy who never returned home, but instead reached their captors with the truth of the true God. We have all had our moments of fear that we may be persecuted. However, it is a weakness to worry about troubles that could forever disrupt our lives. I see many Christians worry and complain about the persecution we see going on around us in these trying times we live in. Yet how often have you truly considered the blessings God dispersed to us through our tragedies?

Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers. Yet what they meant for evil, God used for good. An Israelite woman was captured and turned into a slave for a Syrian military commander. Yet her devotion to the One True God led Naaman to become a true believer in Him when he was healed of Leprosy. (2Kings 5:1-27) He was one of the only two people ever healed of Leprosy until Christ came. The other being Moses sister, Miriam. (Numbers22:10) I guess you could add Moses to the list to make 3 cases, yet with him it was just a demonstration of a God’s power.

How many times in history has one of God’s people suffered tragedy, just to see their pain and suffering bring others to the Lord. We in America look at the troubles we go through and think it’s the end of the World for us. Yet maybe, just maybe, instead of being a tragedy God is opening up a door for us to share the truth and be a witness for someone who is lost.

The early Christians looked as suffering as a blessing from God. In the book of Acts we read how Peter and the Apostles were arrested, beaten, and warned not to speak of the name of Jesus anymore, yet after they were released they rejoiced and counted themselves worthy to suffer for HIS namesake. (Acts 5:27-42)

Why are Christians so angry when we get persecuted? Why do we not Glorify God instead? Maybe if we turned our sorrow and persecution into a blessing we would truly understand Gods love and will in our lives better. If we just turned the stumbling blocks put before us, by those who mean evil, into good then maybe we will see the church begin to grow again.

Tertullian said that The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church. Well brothers and sisters, unless a seed dies it cannot grow. Maybe it’s time to praise God for our troubles instead of complaining about our enemies. Start carrying our cross with joy, instead of complaining how heavy it is.

Remember, the crucifixion and death of Christ was meant for evil, yet God turned it into the greatest blessing of all time. So tell me brothers and sisters, are you ready for your time to shine? Your time to turn an evil thing into a blessing could be just around the corner. Be ready, and remember that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.

So remember to praise God that you are worthy to suffer for the Namesake of the One who suffered for you. Remember, we are all promised a crown of righteousness one day for our faithfulness and perseverance. Trust me, it is OK, to lose your head over Christ.

God bless and have a great day witnessing for Christ.

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